Week 13 - Various Reflections

In Class Discussion

Open source projects and business have two goals that seem to be in conflict, however the in class discussion helped provide nuance to how the two things can exist. There can be a mutually beneficial relationship. Although in a very simplistic way, I sometimes think of open source as good and business interests as bad, I see how open source projects can create features that a company can take and remold on their own. Additionally, since open source is open to anyone, this creates competition for business to improve their technology, innovate, contribute to issues that they and others could benefit from. It was interesting to see the various models of an open source plus business relationship and hearing the conversation on Youtube between the woman who works at Comcast and the man who works at the the bank demonstrated how businesses can work with open source projects for good.

Group’s Progress

At this point I have made one commit, but I’m finding it challenging to create a solution that fits the project’s need/design goals. I feel as though my skills may be a shortcoming. I want to finish this issue, but it is taking longer than expected and I’d like to work on other issues for now. However, the issues left are all a bit bigger than my scope and are longer term goals beyond our time working on it this semester. Thus, we are in communciation with them for more ways to contribute and maybe help ideate on new features together.

Written before or on April 23, 2023