Week 12 - Various Reflections

Christopher Snider

This past week Christopher Snider came to talk and again I really enjoyed it. He’s a really charismatic speaker and his story/Tidepool’s story is really inspiring. It’s cool to see the scale at which this open source project is operating at and their future goals. Of course, since personal health data is very sensitive I and others were really curious how they deal with protecting it and how they make decisions to make changes on their app when they so closely affect people’s personal lives. They seem to have a meticulous and well rounded process (circular sprints). His comment and view on HIPAA and privacy being like the bogeyman in the healthcare industry also stuck with me and I agreed that these concerns shouldn’t stop innovation in the health-tech world.

Group’s Progress

At the moment we are picking up some steam and we are at this point just trying to take small issues that are open instead of waiting to be assigned. Anyways, we felt the table issue at the moment is only big enough for one person.

Written before or on April 16, 2023