Week 3 - Git and First Group Project

Git Activity

Although I have used git before and have had experience working with these commands, it has been a while and I appreciate the refresher. I enjoyed the guided activity and it reinforced some of the ideas about version control that have become fuzzy: for example, I haven’t used remotes/forks very often so my understanding of the work flow wasn’t very clear, but the diagram that professor drew on the board was really helpful visually. Additionally, it was helpful to know these commands for the group project.

Browser Extension Work

Originally, our group’s idea to do a browser extension was to allow the user to choose color themes based on a dropdown menu with the options being the colors of the rainbow. However, we found it difficult to change the background colors of many websites because of discrepancies in the naming conventions in each websites’ code. Thus, we switched ideas to something more local - give the user an option to write down some notes about a webpage and change the theme/color of that note.

My first idea about changing the color themes was a step in the right direction, but the execution was out of our capacity to finish by Feb 12. I wanted to add some more editing functionality, such as buttons to clear selected/highlighted text and edit the displayed note itself, but found it hard to manage the displayed text versus the input text.I had to settle with just a general clear button and hopefully I can work more on the extra functions in the future.

Written before or on March 5, 2023