Week 14 - End of Semester Yet Not End of Contribution

This week is our last week of making contributions to scikit-learn for our final project, because we will be one of the first groups to present on Monday. However, this will definitely not be the end of my open source contributions, since through this experience, I have found myself really interested in this field.

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Week 13 - Reflection on Group Project

This week, I was absent from class due to attending the NDSI conference in Boston, so this is going to be a short reflection on the group project. Apologies for not being able to reflect on the in-class discussion of open source within industry.

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Week 12 - Open Source is More Than Coding

This week, we have listened to Christopher Snider’s presentation on the Tidepool project, which is designed to help individuals with diabetes to better manage their condition. His presentation made me realize that open source is much more beyond coding on GitHub, but also a commitment to the society.

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Week 11 - The Cathedral and the Bazaar

This week, we made a report on our contributions to scikit-learn. We were also able to learn about other groups’ progress and their experience. Moreover, we discussed about The Cathedral and the Bazaar, and there are plenty of lessons that I learned from it.

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Week 9 - First Success in Sklearn

This week, we are honored to be able to listen to a talk by Jim Hall, founder of the FreeDOS project. I was very curious about how open source projects are initally started, and how they can flourish, and Mr. Hall resolved my doubts. Meanwhile, my teammates and I have started taking issues of scikit-learn, and I have already made a succesful pull request, which is encouraging.

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Week 7 - Starting with Sklearn

This week, we have been assigned groups for the final open source project. After some discussion with other group members, we have dicided to work on scikit-learn (a.k.a. sklearn), an open source and free machine learning library for Python. In this blog, I’m going to discuss how we determined our project, as well as my hopes and worries about it.

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Week 6 - Searching for Open Source Projects

This week, I started evaluating various different open source projects in order to determine one for my final open source project. Given it is not midterm yet, no doubt how much effort it would require to find and work on a suitable open source project. I cannot foresee whether I will be able to successfully contribute to the open source project that I’ve chosen, but as follows are some insights and thoughts that I want to share in the process of looking for them.

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Week 2 - Code of Conduct

Online communities often rely on an explicit set of rules, a.k.a. code of conduct, to regulate the behavior of the communitiy members. Open source software development community is of no exception. While intending to giving the community members a warm feeling, a code of conduct also acts as an enforcement that deal with any community member who does not obey it.

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Week 1 - My Encounter With Open Source Projects

When I decided to enroll this course Open Source Software Development, I did not quite look at the term open source. This is a software development course, and I want to be a software engineer, why not take this course? I thought. But only after the first lecture did I start to think of what open source really means and what it can bring about.

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